Monday, October 8, 2007


Hello Everybody! I know I haven't been writing for a VERY long time and I got a lot of beef for that from my friends, but I had two very reasonable excuses: 1) I was out of the country for a month and 2) I was so sick of writing negative things about what is going on around me that I decided to stop until I found things that I am positively proud of, and I am proud to say I found them. YAY!

Now as per the subject of this article I came across this site while surfing through facebook I think. The add caught my attention and I found the most amazing tops and accessories you can imagine. Clutches as low as KD 11, tops or dresses as low as KD 6, and adorable accessories as low as KD 5! I immediately told my cousins about this site and they started shopping. Two days later my cousin shows up dressed up in items all bought from

Ladies AND Gentlemen! Don't waste time. Click on and start buying! EID is JUST around the corner ...

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