Friday, October 26, 2007

Kidnapping in Kuwait

I have to warn everyone this is quite a horrible story to hear. I also have to admit that I heard this through a cousin, and I don't know if it's true or not, but I just HAD to do my civic duty as they say.

As many of you may not know. Kuwait is a pretty safe place to live i.e. you can leave your car on and get cash from an ATM, you can leave your handbag on a counter while shopping in a boutique and not worry that it'll be snatched, and you can also hang your handbag on your chair when in a resaurant. When we were kids, you could play in the streets and not worry about any problems such as kidnapping, robbery, murder etc.

Times are changing, and this story spurred me to tell all. But before I tell you this story that I heard a couple of days ago. There's another story you need to hear.

I am a month shy of 28, and yes I have a curfew and yes I still live with my parents, but in our culture you kind of don't have a choice. Anyways, my mother consults for the Ministry of Interior i.e. the Police and she hears all the gory details of women beaten up while trying to get in to their car or a mother who was stopped raped and beaten up by a couple of men etc. and now I am banned from going out after 10:00p.m. without a male escort LOL. It's SO 1900!

Now the real story ... My cousin and I were discussing different topics the other day, one of which was corruption, when he told me that he heard a shocking story a few days ago. A woman was shopping with her daughter in a supermarket, and turned for a few seconds while picking up some groceries. Next thing you know the daughter disappears. A search is done, her name is called out on the loud speaker, and the next thing you know she's found in the men's bathroom. The daughter's head was shaved, a wig and a new set of clothing on the floor. It seems the kidnappers heard the loud speaker and ran.

I was shocked beyond belief. THIS of all things happening in OUR home country. You'd expect it to happen in Brazil, Italy, or God knows where, but not in a country as safe as ours USED to be. For the past 6 years since I've been back from college I am seeing Kuwait become more unsafe every year and this IS due to all the corruption we have here.

My message to all living here .. start watching out for yourself and be careful PLEASE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kuwait used to be a safe a country prior to the gulf war, people are now locking their doors during day light. Most of these crimes committed are carried on by immigrants stricken with poverty or local civilians under the influence of drugs.

While the phenomena of remaining at home till a person weds (also a custom still carried out in some Mediterranean countries) lots of single folks live on their own ( with or without their parents consent)