Sunday, October 21, 2007

Justice System

I just can't help myself. Here's my latest displeasure ...

Last night (our last day of the weekend for some who don't know), I'm unwinding after a long day of spending time with friends and family. I switch on my brother's TV (shshshsh don't tell him), and decide to watch a couple of episodes of HOUSE MD. I was planning on watching one actually, and then try and go to bed at around 10p.m. I know that's a bit early for some but I had to get up early to go pick up a friend before going to work the next day.

Anyways back to my story. I was watching my first episode of HOUSE when I jump out of my seat NOT because they were giving the patient a colonoscopy while AWAKE, but because people were lighting fireworks in our neighborhood. I let it pass the first couple of times (kids will be kids you know), but then they would re-light 15 minutes later again and again and again.

Now my father sleeps early and I was really worried about him the most.

It was at 10:15p.m. when I got really aggravated. I called my Mom downstairs (No, I did not actually call her. It was on intercom.) and told her that if they do it one more time I was going to call the police. My father has Parkinson's disease, Cholestrol, Diabetes AND high blood pressure, and I wasn't about to let anything rattle him.

10:45p.m., they are at it again and I had finally had enough. I call 777 (that's 911 over here) and give in my complaint. They graciously take all the information and say they are sending a patrol car right over. PHEW! I settle back down and decide to keep watching my THIRD episode whilst I calm down. A few minutes later the noise stopped and I was very proud of myself.

Once the third show was over I called my Mom downstairs again and told her what happened. Guess what, turns out that the police called back a few minutes later . . . I didn't here the phone ring in mybrother's room . . . to tell us that if we wanted something done we had to go all the way down to the police station and make a formal complaint. Can you believe it???

My mother said no thank you. The gentlemanly police officer said eventhough we weren't going to file an official complaint that they were still going to tell those people to stop.

As my older sister always says "What the Help!" I told Mom that I was shocked at this kind of attitude from our justice system as I know that fireworks are illegal in Kuwait. Mom disagreed, but the detailed journalist that I am, I called my sister (a corporate lawyer) and asked her if it was or wasn't illegal and she confirmed not only is it against the law to USE fireworks in Kuwait, but that it is also illegal to SELL fireworks in Kuwait. So there!

Now you know the whole story ... I think our justice system needs a few lessons from NYPD or Scotland Yard right about now.

Now tell me, don't I have a right to be aggravated at the sheer stupidity of what they said?

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