Monday, June 18, 2007

Take Care of Our Kuwait

I’m not a huge supporter of environmental activism i.e. I don’t protest, it’s not on my agenda everyday, and it does not control my everyday thoughts; however, over the past year I have noticed some shameful abuse of our country’s environment and generosity that has led me to write this post.

Granted our country has a lot of catching up and organization to do, but what aggravates me is the abuse our own countrymen and visitors are causing.

My office in Kuwait City overlooks a stoplight intersection. During the day, cars push their limits by crossing the line after the red-light has flashed causing grid-lock, and then the horns start blazing. It’s so loud; I literally jump up from my seat. My question is: Why pass the line in the first place when you know you don’t have that far to go? Is it going to kill you if you wait another 3 minutes before the stop light turns green again? Don’t you know you’re causing noise pollution? And especially ME a headache?

I’m just getting started. How about the air pollution and littering that I see. Why do we have to employ people to pick up after us in the streets? I salute McDonalds for doing their part and handing out little baggies you can fill your trash with. If you don’t like the smell of old cigarettes in your car then don’t smoke in your car, and certainly don’t drop your cigarettes on the streets, parking lots and wherever you find convenient. There IS something called a garbage bin. If you don’t want any trash in your car then don’t drink, eat, or sneeze in your car, but don’t make it someone else’s job to pick up after you. What are you? Two years old? My niece picks up after herself and I don’t even have to tell her.

What I’m trying to say. To appeal to all who live in this beautiful country of ours is PLEASE be reasonable. Once the stop light turns yellow, stop at the line. Once your done with something in your car, stuff it in the ashtray or a bag and then dump it in a trash whenever you the get the chance.

Let’s make Kuwait as beautiful as it should be.


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