Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Hollywood Frustration

Has anyone seen the latest updates of Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, Nicole Richie, and last years fiascos from Mel Gibson and other celebrities. I understand that stardom comes with A LOT of pressure, but ruining your reputation and your health is NOT the right way to go.

Little girls look up to Lindsey and Paris and in the end they see one go off to re-hab (for the second time!) and the other to jail.

Lindsey is 20 and shouldn't even be drinking OR clubbing and I'm sorry but she looks at least 30 now with all the alcohol, cigarettes, and partying she's done.

Paris disregarded the law (great role model), and is now in jail crying her eyes out. This from a woman who is over 25, who has her own show, her own perfume, her own CD, and STILL acts immature.

Brittany Spears is another example. She's adored by many young ladies AND young men, but what kind of role model is she giving when she marries a guy who we all knew was not good enough for her, a man who was using her, and in the end she ends up drinking, partying, and finally having a nervous breakdown, shaves her head and enters a re-hab clinic.

But of course the drama doesn't stop there. She ends up coming out of re-hab and goes straight back to drinking and partying. Again she's over 25 people!!!!!

Now Nicole Richie is a different story. She keeps a low profile, but when she is in the spotlight she looks so immaciated and malnutritioned that her belly is sticking out as if she were pregnant. Her father Lionel richie said ina n interview that she just doesn't eat, but for someone who has everything she could ever need, why is she starving herself. Something is amiss and I recommend a Psychiatrist to help STAT!

And last but not least, Mel Gibson. Mel is an absolutely AMAZING actor from Hamlet to the Lethal Weapon movies to the Passion of Christ. This man has a gift. Ok so he fell off the wagon. Ok he apologized, but why did he put himself in that situation in the first place. If it was the Lebanon/Israeli conflict that was bothering him then HEY! it bothered me as well, but you don't see me run across the street and beat up the first person I see to let out MY frustration. No I just set up a blog ;) hehehe

But seriously, the point of this whole article is that I've been seeing more and more stars fall down due to stupid mistakes that they should be able to control. Even Jane Fonda said in a recent interview that the stars of today don't take acting and show business as seriously as they did in her days.

Unfortunately we have to face facts that children look at what the cool people are doing and not what their Moms, Dads or Aunts and Uncles do. My question is, What can we do about it? Ban our kids from watching TV or listening to Music? Educate them? Stage a protest against such behavior? What do YOU think should be done?

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