Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Law

As a Kuwaiti I was priviledged to be able to study abroad, work minimum wage jobs because I loved the work when I really didn't need the money, and drive at all hours of the day and night knowing that I'd be safe.

Why, you may ask, did I feel safe? It was because I knew 911 would be there if I needed them whether it be a police officer, an ambulance, or a fire truck.

Including the fact that while I was living in the USA, I sometimes found police officers patrolling my building when they never had a need too.

Now, I'm back home in my beautiful country; however, here I see police officers, and their senior officials not focusing on the places they should be i.e. not patrolling towns or malls, but standing at a traffic light. Like anyone is going to run a red light or speed when he's right there! To me that's PURE laziness.

Two weeks ago a new law was requested that all women cannot work after 8p.m. Ofcourse any one would wonder why, and the answer is that it's for our safety!

Now, my argument is this. If it's for our safety then instead of minimizing our (the women living in Kuwait) chances at making a decent living, and having the freedom of choice then increase your patrol cars where you've sited trouble. Make it a law for all restaurants, companies, buildings etc. to increase their security, but DON'T submit another law preventing women from doing what they want!


Unknown said...

Interesting !

Ansam said...

I agree! Its a stupid law!