Monday, January 28, 2008


I was taught to be a kind, caring, and giving person. In our religion it states that one must be caring, giving, and to aid people in need.

My country, Kuwait, provides aid to countries who need our help, whether it be in Asia, Africa, the Americas or even one of our own Arab neighbours; however, aid usually entails money and God only knows where it really goes towards.

What I don't get is how Kuwait, who knows that there has been a war going on for over 50 years, cannot see fit to help out the ones living in our country and make them legally a part of us. I am not saying that they are not doing it, but I am saying that they are not doing their best. I have relatives and friends that were not "originally" Kuwaiti. Most were of Palestinian decent, but I still see them as a part of us. The country thankfully gave them their due right, but what of the others?

It angers me when I see families who have been living in Kuwait for over 40 years, still cannot get a Kuwaiti citizenship. What more loyalty do you need? They can't buy a home, they can't get better education, they can't get better salaries (don't get me started on that), and a child (who's only recognized through the mother's passport) can't travel without the mother. EVEN if it's to a neighbouring Arab country. A woman married to a Kuwaiti for more than 5 years (with wasta) can get a citizenship, why not the ones living in Kuwait for 20+ years?

Why is it so hard to place a citizenship in a person's hands? A person who calls our country home. A person's who's grandfather used to call our country home. Is it because Kuwait doesn't want them to have all the benefits of being a Kuwaiti? All it needs is a little thinking. Give them a citizenship but not with all the rights of a "first class" Kuwaiti. Just like how Americans are differentiated between naturalized and green card. After a few years VOILA, you are a naturalized citizen. Where is the "giving" that was preached to us all our lives?

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